WFH: Race to Success

Get Ready. Even though you’re working remote, and you aren’t planning on seeing anyone via video-conference, get ready for your day; shower, brush your teeth, fix your hair, get dressed – feel good about what you have going on. Additionally, it will help to identify your “power-suit” and what that means for you! Does Batman just walk out of his house dressed as Bruce Wayne? No! He suits up to get ready for his day. Now, I don’t have a Bat suit or Wonder Woman shield laying around, but let’s be less literal here. My “power-suit” is a nice black blazer or my bright red lip stain. Whatever works to empower you, make it happen.
Get Set. Make it a priority to set-up your home office in a comfortable and functional way. Be thoughtful and intentional about it: what area gives you the best access to working space and privacy, what room has the best internet access, which space will allow the least distraction? If you have the time and means, personalize your space with items that benefit your attitude and how you work. Are you always looking for a pen, highlighter, stylus, etc.? Invest in a pen jar in your favorite color. Do you like to have coffee and water at your desk at all times (like me)? Purchase two cool new coasters from your local gift shop. I recommend a bit of décor as well. However you work best, make sure you match your space to support that – literally setting yourself up for success.
Go. You’re up and running from home? Awesome. Let’s keep you focused and motivated. Here are a few quick and simple tips to maintain productivity:
- Have a game plan – write down your focus for the day/week. Prioritize what matters most, your overall strategy, and tackle your list of things true to that focus. If you feel yourself straying from the task at hand, review your list and circle back to what your mission is for the moment.
- Communicate with your team – plan a mixed variety of communication to keep everyone on the same page, and feel connected. For our team, this is conference phone calls, Zoom video conferencing, instant messaging, and emailing. Think of ways to improve while you navigate this new scenario.
- Avoid procrastination – do the hard or least favorable things first, and reward yourself once completed. Rewards can come in all shapes and sizes: having a snack, taking a quick social media break (if you can allow yourself not to get sucked in), refilling your coffee cup, having a quick 5-minute meditation, or playing your favorite song and having a dance break. Find what motivates you and use it as incentive for productivity.