Stand Out From the Crowd!

Phone a Friend!
Do you feel like you are sending your resume out and either not getting a response or getting a general email thanking you for your resume? It often feels like no one is paying attention and it can be incredibly frustrating. Making a personal connection can be a great way to get your resume into the right hands.
Start by researching the company on Linked In or another social media site. Do you know anyone that works there? Do you have any connections to someone at the company? If so reach out and let them know you are looking for a new position and you are interested in their company. This is also a great way to find out more about the company culture and other insider information.
Spruce Up Your Cover Letter and Resume!
Make yourself memorable by going through your resume to ensure that there are not any typos and that you not only state what you do, but also the results of your work. Have your resume tell a story of your career not just a list of skills.
Check on Your Social Media!
Trust me employers are checking out your social media accounts. What does your social media say about you? You do not want to be the person that complains about your past employers on your page or the one who seems to have spent a lot more time at parties in college than in class. Make sure you are representing yourself well on ALL of your social media accounts.
Create a Linked In account and keep it updated. Reach out to coworkers and ask for endorsements and recommendations. Linked In is a great networking tool and they are a great resource for your job search. So get in there and connect!
Say Thanks!
If you do not hear back in a week or two after submitting your resume, it’s time to reach out. Recruiters have a stack of resumes for each position and a great way to stand out is to follow up. If you have an email address for a specific recruiter or hiring manager, GREAT! If not a general “careers@” or “info@” email address will do. Send a message letting them know you are excited about the opportunity and thank them for their time.
Think outside the box, but don’t be a pest. Sometimes it’s time to take your energy and refocus on a new opportunity rather than beating down the door of a company that is either moving slow on a position or just looking for someone else. It is very important to not take this process too personally there are a lot of factors that go into finding the right fit for any position. It may take some time, but you will find the right fit for your career goals.